Friday, June 21, 2019

Describe and evaluate psychological theories of human motivation Essay

Describe and evaluate psychological theories of adult male motivation - Essay ExampleWhen we do things without enough reason, we are non motivated and the consequence of that activity is not pleasant and successful. Kanfer (1990) also argues that motivation cannot be seen or felt, thats why it is termed a hypothetical construct and we see its effects and by-products. An relation for this is gravity which cannot be seen or felt but we see its effects if we jump from a high building. (Jex, 2002, p. 210)Motivating employees is a challenge to managers it is a realm of effective management. There are various theories of motivation and there are many ways to motivate employees. One way is to demonstrate trust to employees. This whitethorn include removing some controls or asking an employee to create a plan or schedule and be creative, putting subordinates in charge of something one would not normally handle, or giving incentives and raising salaries, and so on.Motivation is also rela ted with work-life balance it is a balance for life and what plenty do. Managers motivate mass in order to have blending between work and family life. Work and family with pleasure and fulfilment are impacted by effective motivation. A fur-bearing employee can have a balance of life and work he cannot be productive at work if he has a problem at home. Satisfaction in work and feelings and satisfaction in life and happiness with the family are interrelated.Moreover, motivation is an important factor in the efficiency of people in an organization. Performance management emphasizes much on motivation. Studies have found that successful managers have stronger power motives than less successful managers. The human need theory asserts that people have urges relative to the three needs which are the need for achievement, the need for affiliation, and the need for power.Much has been written on motivation and the literature has supplied us with theories of human motivation. These theor ies are categorized into several types like 1.) the need-based theories

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