Saturday, May 4, 2019

Learning Journey Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Learning Journey cover - Essay ExampleBased on everyday encounter with people at home, at work, and elsewhere, this is unbowed indeed and each time I engage myself to communicate with others, I feel a esthesis of relief at having experienced one basic nature of human being. As a education individual, I have detectd that converse enhances my capacity toward self-awareness such that I can determine my individual(prenominal) judgment and feeling over something out of the natural response to stimuli from people who assume different life sentence roles in relation to me. I learn that becoming educated is a natural process of ontogeny to maturity that depends on the learners enthusiasm and willingness to be subjected to the varying complexities of obtaining and sharing knowledge with spouse learners. Though I notice that it has been a typical concern to identify factors that affect student instruction and often, the skills and knowledge of an academic instructor are readily ass umed to take the key function of evaluating how statement methods impact learning, communication still plays the crucial ploughshare. More than merely satisfying the fundamental necessity of gaining in administration, communication has made me acknowledge the value in understanding and being understood by my educator. As part of the team, I have found that my self-concept is constantly evolving in my attempt to conform to the organization and behave fit to the culture and general attitude of the team in achieving the desired ends. Defining self proceeds as I seek fulfillment in effective communication which requires not only active troth in the activities but even understanding the strengths and weaknesses alike in people and circumstances within a social sphere from which driving force to come about a change or evolution may be derived. In this course, there have been several times I manage to observe that my own behavior is modified depending on the manner by which I perceive an arriving stimulus and serve to it correspondingly. I used to suppose that being real to oneself simply meant going by the nature I am without needing to pay regard to the impact of the people in the group or society virtually me, thinking that the concept of self is understood just once in a lifetime. Along with this misconception is the tactile sensation that former foundations bear the sole responsibility of substantiating the self, yet by objective and subjective learning, formation of self-identity is apparently ceaseless and may not be confined only to a few aspects of growth. Until I had come to the point of ascertaining that sense of self is yielded through evolutionary stages, it usually felt complicated to manage self-awareness and what the exact meaning is of a true self in the past. To this extent, I have thus realised by far that human interactions or communication schemes portray a huge role in creating a persons identity which continues to evolve with time and socio-cultural influences. When I came across serious inscription and risks as a member of the team, I recall the time I struggled getting over a hard feeling toward the fact that while there were open-minded individuals, others bore tendencies at unnecessary argumentation, because I unconsciously allowed myself to seek alternatives to divert my unpleasant emotions for comfort. Out of having to cope with the difficulty of erasing deep-rooted sentiments that had bypast through an intense motion,

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